Financial Resources
GAFUTURES.ORG This is the headquarters for all of the state resources regarding educational planning.
FAFSA Fill this out early! Complete by March 1 to meet Mercer's priority deadline. Remember, you cannot borrow federal loans if you don't fill out the FAFSA!
Federal Student Aid Check out the tab "FAFSA: Apply for Aid" to get tips on filling out the FAFSA, estimate your aid with the FAFASA4caster, and learn about your FAFSA Pin.
Federal Student Aid Check out the tab "Student Loan Repayment" to learn more about repayment, default, and consolidation.
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) This website shows you all of your federal loans in one place, regardless of your service provider.
Study Skills/Academic Support
How To Study Get useful tips on how to study for different subjects.
Virginia Tech Online Study Skills Workshops Want to learn about improving test performance, reading comprehension, and concentration/memory? Check out these workshops! Click on the Explore menu to access the workshops based on category.
Dartmouth Learning Strategies Videos/Handouts Receive more guidance on specific learning strategies and study skills on this site.
Study Strategies Library Explore this excellent archive of college success resources by California Polytechnic State University!
First in the Family--Your College Years Explore this site geared towards the support and success of first generation college students.
Reading and Writing Sites
Reading Strategies from Dartmouth Want to learn effective ways of reading? Check out the guides on this site, like "Six Reading Myths."
Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL) Get help with writing, citing sources, and grammar with this widely-regarded resource.
Other Educational Resources
Khan Academy Free multimedia resources (such as videos and assessments) in a wide variety of subjects.
Hippo Campus Free multimedia resources.
Evernote Keep all of your notes together through this site.